Monday, September 29, 2008

well I had an interesting weekend...NOT!

Friday I did not get to do the post I wanted to. I was in the process of 'burning down' my computer at work. But today, I have a lovely new monitor. Well, new to me at least. It's much bigger, so that's a plus.

My weekend review? Well, I left my memory card at work, so there are no pictures. I did make it to Angel Food distribution on Saturday, and I think we finally came up for a plan for someone to watch my kids. So that is wonderful.

Jupiter and I got in a fight last night and if I never talk to him again, that will be fine with me.

And since I did not post my meal plan on Friday, I will give it to you now.

Monday - pizza night (fruit pizza for dessert) *This will be my meal that Mercury helps with if he's feeling up to it. He has a doctors appointment today. There will be pics if he helps.

Tuesday - crescent sloppy joes

Wednesday - leftovers

Thursday - ham steaks and creamed corn

Friday - bacon and hot dog macaroni

Saturday - breakfast

Sunday - fish sticks & pasta

I know I have you all drooling. Our list is so exciting, huh? Ahh the life of trying to get a preschooler and a toddler to eat. Maybe...MAYBE someday I'll eat good food again.

1 comment:

Queen of the Mayhem said...

Your thoughts on Jupiter are eerily similar to the ones I am currently feeling for Mr. Mayhem.


Getting my kids to eat healthy is a CONSTANT battle!

Good Luck!


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