Wednesday, June 4, 2008


O.k. first off this salad I'm eating...NASTY!

Alright, got that off my chest.

So the dr's office called and the insurance company finally has everything straight. I go in on Monday and get my shot. I'm officially starting menopause. Ugh. As if I don't have enough to deal with lately.

Seriously...throwing this salad away. Ick.

Neptune is on ear infection #13 right now. He also had an asthma flare this past weekend. As much as it sucks I learned two important things. Yes, I do understand his asthma now and got him in before it was bad (YAY) and no way are we ever taking him off Pulmicort. Well, maybe someday. But not anytime soon. He didn't need his rescue inhaler once while on the Pulmicort. A week after coming off of it, he's back on Prednisone twice a day and Albuterol every four hours. Not fun. But hey, at least I learned two valuable things.

1 comment:

Violet said...

life does thro us curve balls doesn't it?! I'll be thinking of you.


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